
Monday, December 12, 2011

Why not?

I have been working for just about 2 full months now to loose some of this weight that I know I should loose. My desire to do it now is one that I don't fully understand. But the desire is there. And the actions are following. I have managed to maintain an average of a 5k per day since I did a 10k with my family and found myself suffering more than I wanted to be. I have worked out while sick and made it through. I can do this right? I hope so. I want to weigh less than 200lbs again. It has been a LONG time since I weighed less than 200lbs. Right now I am at 250.9. Which is up 1.5lbs from last week. Not a good thing and something that really made me want to say "Screw this. It's not worth the effort.". And after a few self loathing food decisions I jumped on the treadmill anyway. I want to RUN a full 5k and eventually finish a marathon without being swept off the course. No idea why I want to do that...I have never been much of a runner. Love hiking but never a runner... Who knows. But the desire is there. I want to do it. I want to have that as an accomplishment.
So today...instead of quitting and going back to bed I decided to jump on the treadmill, walk a brisk 5 minutes and alternate running with walking for the next 15 minutes as described in the Couch to 5k program. After completing that I completed the remainder of the 5k I promised myself to do each day.
I am feeling pretty great (aside from the weird ringing in my ear and the equilibrium issues I am suffering at the moment...not related I'm sure but strange none the less).
Last week I was under 250. This week I am over. But I will not let that get me down. Next week I will be back under 250 and on my way to below 200!! I am hoping to make it happen by summer. It would be really awesome to know what that felt like again. To see if I am really missing out on something I don't think I am right now.
Time will tell. But I feel differently than I have in the past when I have tried to loose weight.
I need to take more control over my food choices. Maybe pizza for three meals last week was a REALLY bad idea..then following it up with restaurant fajitas and 2 pina coladas wasn't the best of decisions. So I am working toward forgiving myself those things and moving forward.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Week 3 Day 1

Today was a lazy day for me. Not feeling well still and I think that it is a lack of calories.
Spent too much time loafing today. Over an hour at the grocery store and then another hour piddling around on the computer. Then over an hour preparing dinner for tonight (stuffed bell peppers). Then there had to be time for breakfast (bowl of Bran Flakes) and lunch (a sandwich wrap with loads of lettuce).
Still need to get moving on getting the treadmill into the living room so that it will be a go for exercising on it tonight.
I can do this!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Week 2 Day 7

Feeling better about things today. I have lost .4lbs.
Last night for dinner a friend and I went to Olive Garden. I had 2 bowls of mostly broth minestrone soup ('cause I am not a huge fan of beans and over cooked pasta so I just sip the broth from it) and 2 plates of salad. Reasonable plates. And one bread stick.
HOLY SMOKES! I went and looked up the nutrition values for my dinner and was shocked to find that the serving of salad was 350 calories/serving! The soup wasn't bad though at only 100 calories per serving. So it looks like I ended up taking in about 900 calories from eating soup and salad. And another 150 from eating a single breadstick. It is truly hard to find a decent meal when eating out. That is very frustrating. Oh well. Can't dwell on it for too long. Just gotta work out and get past it.
Today I have had a bowl of cereal (Post Bran Flakes) 100 calories, Sandwich (1 slice white bread, mustard, ham, turkey and pickle) 240 calories, serving of pretzels and 1/2 serving cheetos 150 calories.
Calorie count prior to dinner is 490. For dinner I am making grilled chicken, corn on the cob and green beans.

Need some momentum. Keeping this stuff up is hard right now. Planning to move the treadmill and elliptical into the living room in place of a sofa. We shall see how it goes. Fingers crossed. Hubby has rejected this idea for over a year. He is working out with me in the evenings now so hopefully he won't mind having them in here so we can watch tv while we work out.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Week 2 Day 6

Today I am still feeling awful but I made myself get on the treadmill. I spent just over an hour exercising.
I spent 1/2 hour at 75% (140) and another 1/2 hour at 65% (122)
For breakfast I ate one serving of Post Bran Flakes cereal (100 calories).
As a snack I had a small Granny Smith apple (80 calories) and a slice of marble cheddar cheese (probably about 2 servings - 22o calories).
For lunch I had 1/2 a sandwich (1 serving turkey (50 calories), 1 serving ham (60 calories), 2 servings of marble cheddar (220 calories), and one slice of 100% Natural Whole Wheat Bread (100 calories).
WOW! I think I have been eating pretty good today and my calorie count is already at 830.
Tonight is Bunko and I have no idea what I will have for dinner. Hopefully I can find something that will keep me around 1200 calories for the day. It isn't looking likely unfortunately. Guess I will have to cut down on the cheese intake.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Week 2 Day 5

Well, this morning has gotten off to a slow start but I did get the bathroom and kitchen cleaned up. Took blood pressure last night and am not impressed by my bottom number. The lowest it read was 84 (other readings were 86 and 90!!). I have always (with the exception of pregnancy) been lower than 80 and have held some pride in knowing that my BP was reasonable for someone my age even given the fact that I was horribly out of shape. Now that looms over me and is causing me some serious stress. Hubby says the more I think about it the more it will rise and he is probably right so I am trying to put it out of my head knowing that I am working my way into better health.
Today I felt horrible (stomach bug) so I didn't workout at all. Started to and when I started I had to get off the treadmill. More success tomorrow.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Week 2, Day 1 and 2

So on day 8....I went off the deep end and had lunch with a friend at Chili's. We had chips and salsa followed by fried chicken sandwiches with fries and some dessert (although it was pretty icky so we didn't eat much of that).
Turns out that didn't do much for me. I was just angry at myself for being frustrated, which of course leads you right into the circle of being more frustrated and more angry. ARGH! Can't go there.
So last night I spent 30 minutes on the recumbent bike while hubby was on the elliptical.
This morning (on Day 9) I spent 60 minutes on the treadmill.
Both were at the "weight loss" target heart rate of approx 65-70%.
Tonight I plan to go again. For at least another half hour.

Week 1

Began September 24th. 5 days past my 33rd birthday. I asked my husband if he wanted to start working out with me again and he said yes. We already own all the equipment necessary. Heck we have more stuff here than lots of start up gyms. And most of it is of superior quality so all we need is to make it happen right? Easier said than done. We purchased the "stuff" in February and March of 2008. Approximately 1.5 years ago. When we first got it I was using it fairly regularly and was making progress then for some reason just gave it up.
My first goal is to get under 200lbs.
When I weighed in on the 24th I weighed 252.
One week later after cutting my portion size and increasing my activity (at least 1/2 hour twice a day on either the treadmill or the recumbent bike) I had GAINED just under 1lb. Very frustrating. I just wanted to go and grab a bag of some salty snack and go to town. Why bother if it wasn't making any difference?